Unterhaltsgeld bei volljährigem Kind

  • Hi,

    we have the next situation (I hope is oki that I am writing in English, otherwise I can try in German if you excuse my german grammar :):

    Here are the facts:

    The daughter of my husband moved to south germany to start her studies in Laws after she ender her school.

    Abi Note was a 4.

    She is living with her boyfriend together in a 90m2. She of course asked no permission to do this, bcs she is "volljährig".

    Her mother is unemployed since Jun 2019, and openly said she was not going to look for a job until Jun from this year.

    We offered financial support to the kid in case she needed, she refused and said she was ok.

    The "kid" went to the "Jugendamt" and let her "Unterhaltsgeld" be calculated.

    We have received now a bill ( two days ago) saying that we have to pay in proportions of 80%, which corresponds to 436EUR pro month and the mother 20% (95EUR). In addition to that she is "charging us" for the period of time (from oct until now) that she was not receiving this money, so total 1700 EUR and is giving us time until this Friday to pay her back the money we own her (???)..

    She refuses to let us know which courses / what kind of grades she is getting.

    I think kids should be support it to make their way, but honestly this is ridiculous.!!

    I am critizing this law: (§ 1610 Abs. 2 BGB).!!

    How is that Kids are in tittle to threaten their parents?

    how is that you only have to pay as a parent like you were a bank and are not entitled to ask no questions?

    how is that she decided to move with her boyfriend to a 90m2, ask no permission but now we received a bill of her decision?? how is that the law support this behavior? WE: my husband, her sister, our son and me, lived in a 84m2 for years!

    how is that the law is asking us to have a plan B bcs in our near future we must probably will not have a "Rent" and at the same time force us to pay for a kid that has no limits and offer nothing in exchange but a threat??

    I think it is right to protect those kids that are doing something and a responsable for it, but this? this is out of this world!!

  • Hallo,

    die Fragen die das Gesetz betreffen willst du doch nicht wirklich beantwortet haben?

    wir hier vom Forum machen keine Gesetze.

    Da Jugendamt kann viel schreiben.

    ihr wurdet aufgefordert eure Einkünfte nachzuweisen?

    ihr wohnt in Deutschland ? die Tochter ist BAFöG berechtigt?


    Eine freundliche Begrüßung bei jedem Beitrag, ist eine Werschätzung gegenüber den Antwortgebern
    z.B. "Hallo"
    Das ist ein Laienforum, die Antworten sind nicht rechtsverbindlich. edy (Admin)

  • Hi,

    für die, die der englischen Sprache nicht so ganz mächtig sind, hier eine kurze Wiedergabe dessen, was der Fragesteller wissen will: Er fragt, wieso er für seine auswäwrts lebende Tochter, die studiert Unterhalt zahlen muss. Es wird gefragt, was § 1610 BGB für eine Regelung sei, die es studierenden Kindern erlaube, seinen Studienort frei zu bestimmen (!) und mit ihrem Freund zusammen in einer 90 qm Wohnung zu leben.

    Das ganze ist eher eine allgemeine Unmutsäußerung (verständlich), aber für Gesetzesänderungen sind wir hier nicht zuständig.

